How to Resize Your Logo using PicResize

A Logo is the identity of your business.  Including one when creating a website not only defines the personality of your company and its employees but also makes your company step above the competition. The Logo, nowadays is used on websites also and our website builder also allows you to place your logo in the header. But what if your logo size is large and makes your page look ugly instead of professional? This tutorial will help you give a perfect size to your logo (or any other image for that matter) and impress your visitors.

My site has a logo that suits my business well and I am happy to have it on my Icono free website. But the large size of the image makes the whole site very ugly and instead of impressing the people, it ruins the image of my business.

We will solve this problem by using

1) Go to

2) Press the ‘Browse’ button to open up a file browser and select the file.

3) Go through the following screenshot if you need help with selecting your logo image.


4) Now press the big yellow button to proceed to next step.

5) Scroll down to 2nd option which will allow you to resize your image (check screenshot). Select any existing preset or enter custom dimensions if you know how much place you have on your header. I made my logo 50% smaller in size.


6) Click the option with a floppy icon to ‘Save the image to disc’.


7) Log-in into your Iconosites website maker account. Check the left sidebar for ‘Logo/header/footer’ section. Click it!

8) Scroll down to the image uploader. Press the ‘Add Files’ button to select an image. Now press ‘Upload’ to start uploading.


9) Your new logo will be uploaded within a second and shown to you. Click on ‘Activate Logo’ within the professional website creator to use the new logo on your website.

And that is it! We are done and our website has been updated with the resized logo.

This is how my Icono website looks after placing a re-sized logo.

  • Nicky

    what an easy way to resize logos, I really like it and I´ll definitely give it a try since that is one thing I don´t like about my page, is not always easy to make a website when you´re not an expert, but sites like this one help a lot.

  • Norm

    I used this tool before to resize pictures and it works really great, is easier to use than other programs that are more used in photo editing, this process can be done fast, and really, just by following simple instructions. I really like the fact that we now have the oportunity to make a website with cool features all DIY.

    • Amanda

      If you want to build a website that looks professional tools like picresize are the one´s you need, I also use it to resize pics and modify the size of my logo (I have it all over my site) I also like the fact that you can do modifications to your website by yourself and not rely on hiring someone.

  • Allen Mc.

    I wanted to make a website for my new company so I started by using picresize to give my logo the exact size I wanted and it was very fast and very easy, the tutorial is just spot on!

  • Jason P

    Having my logo resized made my site look so much better, sometimes is not easy to build a website when you don´t know all the sources you have at hand, getting to know this one made me take a step forward.

    • donna turner

      It is very cool to have pictures with the right size on your site, is not that hard to do, it helps visually and it helps the site not to get slow, using a website maker software like iconosites really helps making a site work and look better.

  • Lali

    It took me a few tries to figure out the size I needed for my logo to look cool on my website header but that´s cause I am not a pro website maker so I am not too familiar with pixel sizes but it was really easy to reduce and get the size the way I wanted it.

    • Kim

      This is the great thing about this applications, you don´t need to be a professional website maker to create a great page, I tried this and it was really easy to use, as you say it can take a little time or a few tries to see which is the exact size that fits and looks better, but the result is worth it.

  • Anthony Grey

    I love the fact that this program has the option to add special effects, my logo looks perfect in grayscale and now that is smaller it looks way better on my site, there are easy ways to fix stuff that looks amateur on a website even when you´re not a professional web page maker.

    • Geraldine

      I also like the special effects option, it gives it a finishing touch to certain logos, I guess depending on your site you can use them or not, but to me it also worked very well, I guess is one of the many things to consider when you build a website and work on the visual part of it, having these kind of applications available is very convenient.

  • Mario

    It was extremely easy to do, I love the way my logo looks now in my frontpage. When I started using your website maker software I was very pleased to find all your tutorials because I was able to create a very professional website.

    • KEYLIE

      I agree with you, I think the best feature of this web page maker if that you get very detailed tutorials and you get to create a free website that looks like you hired a real pro.

  • Jamie B

    This is an easy way to change the size of an image, sometimes we really don´t give it too much thought and just upload the logo even if it doesn´t looks perfect, but changing the size gives it a different look to the whole site, I´m glad with what I´ve learned using this website builder software.

  • Carmen

    I really like that this free website builder software teaches you all the things you need to know to build a really nice looking website without spending hundreds of dollars. I am a 50 year old mom with no knowledge of computers but I am about to finish my family website and I´ve done it all myself, thank you very much for having such detailed tutorials.

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