
Adding U-Stream Broadcasting to Your Website

U-Stream is a website that offers live streaming videos on an optimized platform. Many radio stations, band gigs and live events signup in U-Stream to broadcast their activities. Now you can feature and showcase any stream on your website.

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Embedding Audio Files to Your Website via Sound Cloud

Are you a recording artist? Audio book creator? Or simply composes music tracks? Getting those tracks uploaded to your website is quite the hassle. Why not just embed them like a YouTube video? Well in this tutorial we will guide through all the steps to start embedding your tracks via Sound Cloud, the Audio hosting [...]

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Create Customized Forms Using Wufoo Forms

You can create custom forms for your website with Wufoo Forms. They offer a cool drag and drop interface to create your forms. If you have used Gravity Forms for WordPress in the past this is somehow similar with its options but the only difference is you can embed these forms just like embedding a [...]

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Add Appointment Booking to Your Website with ubooq

If you provide services on an appointment basis and want to enable your clients to book appointments with you directly from your business website, ubooq will do that. In this tutorial we will show you how to create a website that allows your visitors to book appointments online, using ubooq.

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How To Create A Sitemap For Your Website with SlickPlan.com

A good website attracts people and compels them to stay on their but what about Search Engines? What are the things that attract Search Engines to come and stay on a website? When a bot from Search Engine comes to your website, the first thing it looks for is a sitemap. A sitemap is like [...]

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How to Embed an Excel Document onto a Webpage

In this post, we’ll show you how to embed a Microsoft Excel document onto your webpage.  This will allow your visitors to see anything you have on a given excel spreadsheet, with the ability to scroll up, down, left, or right if needed.  Just follow the steps below.

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How to add a LinkedIn profile to your website

Thumbnail image for How to add a LinkedIn profile to your website

LinkedIn is a place where you connect with all the professional people of your small business niche. In fact you can not only see their profile and contact them, you can even grab business and job opportunities at this great site for designed specially for professionals. This tutorial will show you how to add your [...]

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How To Add a Google Page-Rank Checker To Your Business Website

Page Rank is the measure of your website or more specifically the measure of a web page’s worth in the eyes of the Google. It depends on several factors, backlinks being the biggest of them. If your business website has a good social presence on the internet, Google considers your website as a trustable source and gives [...]

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How To Reduce The Size Of Images On Your Website

People hate slow websites and most of the time reason behind slow websites are big images (not bigger in dimensions but bigger in size). This not only leads to running customers but also poor search engine rankings which makes your free website almost invisible to new buyers. This tutorial will help you get rid of [...]

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How to Resize Your Logo using PicResize

Thumbnail image for How to Resize Your Logo using PicResize

A Logo is the identity of your business.  Including one when creating a website not only defines the personality of your company and its employees but also makes your company step above the competition. The Logo, nowadays is used on websites also and our website builder also allows you to place your logo in the [...]

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